Saturday, November 13, 2010


Solabha, another ascetic of the Mahabharata, was the daughter of Rsi Pradhana. In the sacrifices of her ancestors, Indra used to come with Drona and others. No suitable husband could be obtained for her, and so she wandered over the earth alone, observing the practices of asceticism. Bhishma related this story in the Mahabharata between King Janaka (the father of Sita devi) and the female mendicant Sulabha. By her yogic power, Sulabha assumed a beautiful form and instantly went to Mithila, and, on pretense of begging alms, presented herself before the King, who was surrounded by his ministers and learned scholars. By yoga, she entered the king's consciousness. They conversed upon emancipation, Sankhya, and yoga. It is said that she dwelt this one night in his person like a mendicant in an empty house. (S. Sorensen, p. 657)

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