Monday, July 13, 2009

women and the family

“The importance of women in the economic aspect of the family is fully emphasized and asks men to give the women the responsibility of looking after the family budget. (…) Maintianing family tradition and strengthening the spiritual affairs of the family is entrusted with the women.” *
VedAs never confine a woman to the house. Many brilliant women have reached out with their husbands and attained a spiritual status equal to or higher than that of their husbands , who are revered as Manthra dhrushtAs of the various Veda Manthrams . *
“Protector of children, having definite knowledge, worth thousands of prayers and impressing all directions, O women, you accept prosperity. O wife of deserving husband, teach your husband to enhance wealth. (Atharvaveda-Hindi Bhashya Part )
Also from the Atharvaveda, we have:
May this bride become the queen of the house of her husband and enlighten all. (2.36.3)
Oh woman! Utilize your vedic intellect in all directions of our home! (14.1.64)
Teach the husband ways of earning wealth (7.46.3)
“O bride! Reach the home of scholars and bring bliss and happiness by ruling your home. (Bhashya Part 2)
Hey wife! Become the queen and manager of everyone in the family of your husband. (14.1.20)**
Talking to someone about it some time ago, the person was telling me that the wife should be so submissive and serve everyone in such a way to conquer them all in the husband’s family, and that’s how she rules. Well… it is interesting to observe that when these same people say that according to the traditions the man is the one who has to rule over his wife and the family, then they don’t think it will happen due to his kindness and submissive behavior! I also had to note that there’s a woman with all the good qualities married in his family and, although she is always serving everyone, she clearly don’t rule anything… this kind of speech is like the one that says that women are so superior, that the husband can do anything and she has to tolerate, due to her superiority. In other words, it means to agree with a statement to fool people and, actually, do just the opposite!
“The Rig Veda hymn (10, 85.27) ,the wedding prayer , indicates the rights of a woman as wife. It is addressed to the bride sitting next to bridegroom. It touches upon few other issues as well.
"Happy be you (as wife) in future and prosper with your children here (in the house): be vigilant to rule your household in this home (i.e. exercise your authority as the main figure in your home). Closely unite (be an active participant) in marriage with this man, your husband. So shall you, full of years (for a very long life), address your company (i.e. others in the house listen to you, and obey and care about what you have to say)." (Rig Veda: 10, 85.27)” ***

* SriPedia -
** Agniveer – Women in Vedas -

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