Friday, October 9, 2009

scriptures praise women

After seeing so many things that were changed in the scriptures to pretend that they said bad things about women, let's see some real things that are still there for everyone to read, that praise women.
"During Vedic age women were given utmost position. Manu, the ancient law giver of mankind and who explained the application aspect of Vedas, says in his immortal work Manusmrthi “yathra naryanthu pujyante ramanthe thathra devataah” meaning Gods reside where women are held in high esteem." (Some people say that Manu wrote that women are low or even that he said they should be beaten! How could him have said that when he says they should be hel in high esteem?). "Vedas themselves call women as shabdha putah yoshit yagniyaa ima (women are pure, sacred and as honorable as yagnas be).”
Rigveda MANTRA 8/1/6 says that: O! God, you are more than to my father and brothers, but you are equal to my mother. Again it is said, "mata nirmatri bhawati" i.e., mother makes the future of the children bright. Rigveda mantra 8/34/19 says, "ISTRI BRAHAMA BBHUVITHAH" i.e., the woman is herself Brahma. The God has given this Supreme title to a woman.

There are so many Ved mantras where the girl and woman have been praised
The Vedas say that a man must not perform any Vedic sacraments or rituals if he becomes a widower. A man can perform Vedic sacrificesonly if he has his wife by his side. Once he loses a wife he has noright to perform even "agnihOtram", say the Vedas... "patni-vatasyaagnihOtram bhavati".... In the old days a husand would normally beheard wailing beside his wife's dead body, "Oh you woman, you havegone now and taken with you all my rights to vedic sacrifices!”

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