Saturday, October 3, 2009


There's a website where a man called Kasem writes: In the Vedic age, the customs of polygamy was prevalent. Each wife spent most of the time devising ways and means to become favorite to her husband. Clear references are available in Rig Veda 14/45, and Atharva Veda 3/81.
Rebuttal: Before copying the verses from communist and Christian missionary websites, Kasem must understand that there are only 10 Chapters in Rig Veda. Further, it is also interesting to note that there are only 31 hymns in Chapter 3 of Atharva Veda….
The four Vedas as such do not support polygamy. However, it is true that the custom of polygamy was prevalent amongst the Kshatriyas (warriors). This is because of the fact that due to war casualties, the male population of warriors was numerically less than the population of their female counterparts. A woman who preferred a brave warrior would never marry a trader or a brahmana or a labor. Therefore, the warrior class practiced polygamy.
Even then we have glaring examples in Sri Rama, Lakshmana, and others who were married to only one woman. The intellectual class, the merchant class, and the labor class, in most circumstances, practiced monogamy. Many sages observed celibacy throughout their life to practice Yoga.
…in Vedic ages, only kshatriyas (warriors) practiced polygamy for a valid reason without any undue pressure on women. Kshatriya women chose their partners through a practice called ‘Swayamvara’ (swayam = self-choosing; vara = bridegroom)", ao they were not forced to accept to share a husband with other women...

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